Weekday lunches (this week)

I miss spring break. No studying, sleeping in, hanging out…. I wish I could be young again…. so jealous… and because of that, I don’t feel like cooking at all (yes, I am LAZYYYYY, so what?!?!?!)
Instead of cooking everything,  I cheated. I went to my neighborhood japanese market, Tozai, and get all the finished ingredients, all I needed to do are assembling and making some veggies.


I made some saute greens,  and saute mushrooms with some jalapeño and tumeric.
Now, assembling bentos
2 tablespoons of rice (I mixed it with japanese seasoning powder)


Then some greens


Top it with seaweed


Then some red rice (rice cooked with red beans)


Top with more seaweed.
And in a separate container, I have some chicken karaage and tofu and mushrooms.
Seriously,  what not to be like, everything was done in 30 mins.
Within an hour, I am resumed to my couch potato position. Lovely 🙂

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